This example demonstrates a responsive accordion.
There are two aspects to this example: CSS media queries and JavaScript media queries. The CSS sets up the media queries for the page layout. The JavaScript below uses Enquire.js to listen for media query matches with JavaScript.
$(document).ready(function() { var example = $('#example15'), defaults = { buildComplete: function () { example.css('visibility', 'visible'); }, timeout: 5500 }; function build(x) { var opts, current; if (!$.isEmptyObject( { /* If an zAccordion is found, rebuild it with new settings. */ example.css('visibility', 'hidden'); current ='current'); opts = $.extend({ startingSlide: current }, defaults, x); example.zAccordion('destroy', { removeStyleAttr: true, removeClasses: true, destroyComplete: { afterDestroy: function() { try { console.log('zAccordion destroyed! Attempting to rebuild...'); } catch (e) {} }, rebuild: opts } }); } else { /* If no zAccordion is found, build one from scratch. */ example.css('visibility', 'hidden'); opts = $.extend(defaults, x); example.zAccordion(opts); } } /* A unique Media Query is registered for each screen size. */ enquire.register('screen and (min-width: 960px)', { /* Standard screen sizes and a default build for browsers that are unsupported. */ match : function () { build({ slideWidth: 540, width: 860, height: 200 }); } /* The *true* value below means this media query will fire by default. */ }, true).register('screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 959px)', { match : function () { build({ slideWidth: 420, width: 680, height: 200 }); } }).register('screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px)', { match : function () { build({ slideWidth: 220, width: 380, height: 200 }); } }).register('screen and (max-width: 479px)', { match : function () { if (!$.isEmptyObject( { example.zAccordion('destroy', { removeStyleAttr: true, removeClasses: true, destroyComplete: { afterDestroy: function() { try { console.log('zAccordion destroyed!'); } catch (e) {} } } }); } } }).listen(5); });